Biology / Art: Oysters / Watercolor Class

  • September 14, 2019
  • 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Long Island City Boathouse
  • 2


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Biology/Art: Oyster, Watercolors

Oysters played a big role in the history and ecology of New York City. We almost lost our oyster population, but they are now making a major comeback and helping to clean up our waterways.

No painting experience required. We'll start indoors with  a 30 minutes slide show about these fascinating bivalve molluscs.  Then walk 2 blocks to the waterfront for a sunset painting experience.

We start with a 30 minute intro to watercolors: materials, mark making practice, basics of choosing colors and color mixing exercises. You'll have 90 minutes to make your own creation.

If you like, bring wine, beer, snacks for yourself or to share.

Directions to the LICCBH

Organized by Mary Lopez,  scientist, canoer  & musician,  and Monica Schroeder, scientific illustrator & kayaker,