KAYAK - Advanced - Brooklyn Crab

  • October 15, 2017
  • 9:30 AM - 4:15 PM
  • 0


  • registration advanced trip

Registration is closed

October Kayak trip to Red Hook with a fall feast at Brooklyn Crab.  We'll paddle with the ebb to Valentino Pier for a beach landing.  Shore up our boats and head as a group to Brooklyn Crab for lunch.  Then, when the tide has turned, we'll cruise back to the boathouse on the flood.

Boatyard: 9:30 am

In water: 10 am

Arrive Red Hook: 12:15 pm

Brooklyn Crab for Lunch 12:30 pm to 2 pm

Depart Red Hook: 2:30 pm

Return: 4:15 pm estimated

2017-10-15 10:22 AM ebb -2.59
2017-10-15 01:25 PM slack -
2017-10-15 04:54 PM flood 2.80


The water may be warmer then the  air. so bring plenty of water and cash/card for lunch (not required).  If everyone is down for lunch at the restaurant, we'll hire a Task Rabbit to watch our boats while we dine.

Trip Leaders  Vincent Bonomi & Jonny Smalls