Kayak: Northbound then Southbound

  • August 17, 2017
  • 5:45 PM - 9:00 PM
  • NBBC Boatyard, 51 Ash St., Greenpoint, Brooklyn, USA
  • 1


Registration is closed

Kayaking: Northbound then southbound

We'll head north (some say east), then we'll head south (some say west).Kayak: Northbound then southbound

Informational data:

 Meet  17:45
 In-water  18:15
 Double-back  19:30
 Return  20:45

I'm not saying there's gonna be a capsize and a tow, but I'm not not saying it, either.

Another thing: paddle floats. That is all.

TL: N. Diary

If anyone's interested in chipping in+hanging out by the fire afterwards, can make a drinks+food run before we meet, so stuff's there when we return. (Also, you don't necessarily have to be on this trip, to chill afterwards.) Let me know:

