KAYAK - North Brother Island/Baretto Park

  • April 02, 2017
  • 12:15 PM - 5:30 PM
  • NBBC


Registration is closed

KAYAK - North Brother Island

Tripleader: Klaus Rosburg

This trip is for certified winter paddlers only and you will need to register to reserve for a club drysuit.  Please bring extra gloves, a warm hat, handy snacks and if you like,a thermos of hot beverage!

To calibrate expectations, we will not land on the island, but if time and condition allow continue to Baretto Park to beach-land and to take a break.  Wear shoes which can get wet.

Meet: 12.15 PM
Leave: 13.00 PM sharp
Slack: + 3.26 PM
Return: 5.30 PM estimated