
  • July 27, 2016
  • 6:00 PM - 9:30 PM
  • NBBC


Registration is closed

KAYAK Intermediate Work Out Paddle

Trip leaders: Noah and Klaus R.

Meet: 06:00 PM
Leave: 06:30 PM sharp
Return: 9.00 PM estimated

We'll paddle north past Gantry Plaza Park as far as our skills and muscles allow, then ferry across Roosevelt Inland. On our return trip we will pay our respects to former Secretary-General U Thant by circumnavigating (maybe more than once) the islet which was named after him.

Our northbound portion will be against the currents, and signify that working toward peace is no easy undertaking. Our less tasking southbound return will reflect the rewards of hard work. 

Please bring drinking water and dress for the weather!

For intermediate paddlers only.