CANCELED! CANOE: Birdwatching Trip on the Creek

  • August 12, 2016
  • 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • 437 McGuinness Blvd., Brooklyn, NY 11222
  • 7


Birdwatching Paddle canceled for this week! Please come out on August 26 or another trip this summer. For images from other birdwatching paddles, see the Paddle Gallery!

A low-intensity paddle on Newtown Creek focusing on finding the birds! Binoculars will be provided, or bring your own.

Meet at the yard: 4 PM
On the water: 4:30
Back for cleanup: 7:30

Bring water, and dress for the water (no cotton!). We'll head up the creek possibly all the way to the end and look for black-crowned night heron, blue heron, cormorants, swans, and other local and migratory birds.

Some of the birdwatching trips will also have tree-identification lessons from Sophie, NBBC's resident tree wrangler!

Check back for more Friday birdwatching trips!

Trip leaders: Willis and Patterson