Canoe Thursdays - East River, intermediate/advanced

  • July 07, 2016
  • 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
  • 51 Ash street 11222


Registration is closed

A longer evening Canoe trip with some strong currents for members, previous experience with NBBC required.  Please email me (address below) if you aren't sure.  Be prepared to paddle for over an hour each way with minimal breaks.

We'll ride the ebb current to Brooklyn Bridge with a possible beach landing/ice cream opportunity there. Return on the flood.

Dress for exercise, & avoid cotton please.

Meet: 6PM sharp gate will be locked at 6:15, we'll have boats in water and leave before 6:30 PM.  Return trip starts after 8PM, clean-up finished by 10PM.

Questions to pbeckwith(at)